The best way to grow sales on your site 🔍 Evolving Strategies

Giveaway free content to your audience


This week’s opportunity to evolve your strategy

The best way to grow sales on your site, giveaway the content

As a new business trying to grow within a specific industry, there are lots of challenges to overcome. Consumers don’t know your products or your brand, making them hesitant to buy. It’s a natural human approach to have some hesitation to better understand a business and it’s products and before buying.

There are a few ways to go about building your reputation and one is to provide free content to your consumers. This is one of the best ways for them to experience the type of service they’ll receive when they buy from you. It gives them a glimpse into the services, let’s them try it out with no risk and helps them to decide to buy.

This builds trust to get them to increase the chances of saying ‘yes’ to buying your products. Consider this, 80% of people watched content from a brand last year. This is a huge opportunity for your business to capture your target audience and build a relationship.

There are other benefits to content marketing;

  • Helps to boost traffic to your site with SEO, regular distribution of content drives more authority with Google

  • Gives consumers a free trial period, and allows you to capture contact info for re-marketing purposes

  • It’s free marketing, and if people love it they’ll share with others

How to apply this:

What you should takeaway and apply to your digital sales strategy:

  1. Create resources audiences can use

  2. Once you’ve created distribute regularly

  3. Share with fellow peers

Create resources audiences can use

Free resources and working documents your consumers can use, is a great way for them to actually test out your products. Create a working doc that’s specific to your niche and share it on your site for free to download and leave a review.

Content marketing costs 62% less and drives 3x more leads for each dollar spent. It may seem time consuming but it’s an investment for the long term growth.

A few places that can house your docs

Once you’ve created distribute regularly

A lot of work goes into building resources and working docs for your consumers to use. It’s not a one and done, make sure to regularly share over and over again.

80% of your audience won’t see it, 50% will likely forget it exists because they’re so busy. And the rest are new audiences and they have no idea it exists.

Once a month I reshare all my resources I have available for free and it still continues to drive downloads and discovery calls.

Share with fellow peers

Testimonials are a great way to get people to try your resources. Share with your peers and network of entrepreneurs and ask them to try it then share their honest feedback.

This a test run opportunity that’ll allow you to make improvements for when it’s released for your consumers. It’ll also allow you to bring more awareness to your resource for when it launches and they share with their audiences.

Thanks for reading! Share with friends.

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