These 3 things are causing problems for your site 🔍 Evolving Strategies

Address them and see your sales increase


This week’s opportunity to evolve your strategy

These 3 things are causing problems for your site

The simplest parts of your site can cause lots of problems if they’re not addressed properly. Consider these 3 things and how to make sure you have the right solution otherwise it’ll slow down your sales.

37% of customers consider design and layout a part of their decision to stay on your site, and pair this with the 3 seconds of their attention you have. That’s not long at all and within that time they’ve decided they like or dislike your site.

Consider also that 50% of traffic on average comes to your site from a mobile device, and that means everything needs to fit on a smaller screen. If it’s hard to read and the layout doesn’t adjust then it’s too cumbersome.

Imagine you’re a customer that’s doing research for a new school backpack. You sit on your couch after a day of lectures, set down your tea and start scrolling on your phone to see what options are available. You see an endless list of options: different sizes, colours and designs.

As you start to narrow things down, you’re quickly jumping into different sites to see what’s available. Those pages that aren’t loading quickly you don’t bother with and leave. There’s just so many options you need to start narrowing down somehow. Second you see what’s easily visible, and there are some sites that don’t adjust to your smaller phone screen. So you cut those too and start to look through and save the ones you like. You’ll come back tomorrow to select your favourite and buy.

How to apply this:

What you should takeaway and apply to your digital sales strategy:

  1. Layout and site design

  2. 3 seconds of attention

  3. Mobile friendly version

Layout and site design

A simple design and easy formatted layout that’s visually appealing makes it easier for your audience to navigate your site. The easier it is the more likely they’ll stay and browse.

Even corners, consistent fonts and titles and images lined up in rows makes your site easier to navigate. Apple has tons of content, and products to sell but their approach to their website doesn’t make it overwhelming.

3 seconds of attention

Since you have such little time to keep your audiences’ attention, focus on sharing what you do and how you do it differently right at the top of your page. With only 3 seconds, the customer is unlikely to be scrolling down to read.

So use the top of your home page to house the most important information. Grab their attention with straight forward and concise copy to show them they’ve found the right place to get their products. Always make sure to have a CTA above the fold so if the customer is interested you’re asking them to navigate to the next part of their journey.

Mobile friendly version

Have your site setup to detect when a customer lands through a mobile device and have it auto-adjust to fit the smaller screen. If it’s difficult to read the content on your page and requires constantly zooming in and out; it’s more work for the customer.

More work, can lead to frustration and customers don’t want that. They want convenience to easily find everything and that’s one of the reasons they use their mobile phone.

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